Academic Council – КГАВМ Academic Council - Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman

Academic Council

420029, Kazan

Sibirskiy trakt st. 35, 232 room

Tel.: 8 (843) 273-96-26


Academic Secretary of Kazan SAVM

Associate Professor, Cand.Vet.Sci., Nikita V. Nikolaev,

Tel.: 8 (843) 273-96-26


The Authority of the Academy is implemented by an elected representative body – the Academic Council of the Academy.

The term of office of the Academic Council of the Academy is 5 (five) years.

The Academic Council includes rector (who is the chairman of the Academic Council), vice-rectors, and, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council, the deans of the faculties.The Vice-Chairman is elected by the Academic Council upon the proposal of the Chairman from the members of the Academic Council. Other members of the Academic Council are elected at a conference of scientific and educational workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students through secret ballot.

Norms of representation of delegates to the conference of the Academy staff from structural divisions and the procedure for their nomination are determined by the current Academic Council. The number of members of the Academic Council is determined by the conference of the Academy staff.

In case of dismissal (deduction) of a member of the Academic Councilfrom the academy, he automatically drops out of the Academic Council of the Academy.

The Academic Council’s work is carried out according to the plan, which is annually reviewed and approved by the Academic Council. The content of the work plan is determined annually by the actual tasks facing the Academy staff. The work of the Academic Council is supervised by the chairman of the council – the rector.

Meetings of the Academic Council are held in accordance with the approved work plan at least once a month, with the exception of the summer vacation period on the last Monday of the month. The work plan for the next year is considered by the Academic Council at the end of the year and approved by the rector.As required, extraordinary meetings of the Academic Council may be set up. Representatives of state bodies, public organizations, employees of relevant services and divisions, departments, etc. can be invited to the sessions of the Academic Council.

To prepare for consideration of the issues on the agenda of the Academic Council, no later than 5 days before the meeting of the Academic Council, the Academic secretary of the Council shall be given a report and a draft decision on the issue under consideration.

The decision is considered adopted if the majority of those present at the meeting voted for it (unless otherwise provided). Decisions of the Academic Council come into force after their signing by the rector-chairman of the Academic Council. The decisions of the Academic Council are taken by open vote by a simple majority of votes.

The Chairman of the Academic Council organizes a systematic review of the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council and informs the members of the Academic Council about the implementation of the decisions taken.

The Academic Secretary of the Academic Council is elected at a meeting of the Academic Council on the proposal of the rector. The Secretary obeys the chairman of the Academic Council and is responsible for the work of the Academic Council.

The order of work of the Academic Council is determined by the regulations on the Academic Council of the FSBEI of Higher Education Kazan SAVM.