Library – КГАВМ Library - Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman


The main task of the Academy library is the full-fledged and efficient provision of the educational process with the necessary literature, assistance in the training and development of future specialists.
The Academy library currently has information resources in all areas of agriculture, presented in a library collection, reference and search assistance, databases, bibliographic products, that is provided with modern computer equipment.
The library collection contains 548 127 volumes including scientific, instructional materials, foreign and reference books. There are up to 500 monographs, course books and other instructional materials in the core subjects written by the Academy scholars among them.
Electronic databases are used at the Academy. The contracts were concluded for a national subscription to index and full-text resources of Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, ScienceDirect (Freedom Collection) supported by the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.
The National Electronic Library which plays an important role in the development of modern biblio-informational infrastructure has been available to the users at the Academy.
For several years the Academy has been a subscriber to an e-library system “Лань” ( and to “Urait” (Юрайт, and since 2016 to “Bibliocomplectator” ( To provide for the academic (teaching-learning) process and research “ConsultantPlus” (“КонсультантПлюс”) judiciary-reference system has been made available. There is unlimited access to the archives of different scientific journals in scientific e-library (eLIBRARY.RU), and mass media information on portal.
The National Electronic Library of the Russian Federation (https://нэб.рф/) had granted full access to the scientific and educational literature, patent documents, abstracts and dissertations, periodicals.
Graduate qualification works of students are checked for the amount of borrowing and are placed in the electronic library system IPRbooks on the platform WRC-VUZ.RF ( The system “Antiplagiat.VUZ” (“Антиплагиат.ВУЗ”; is used to check the articles, research papers and dissertations for plagiarism.